

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Don't use that tone with me! :)

MOMISMS.  What do I look like, your maid?, Don't make me stop this car!, and my personal favorite, Why?  Because I said so!.  In your lifetime, you probably heard one of these from your Mom.  When you were little, Mom's seemed to all have their own language and have some sort of MOMMY handbook that they consulted with. When going to your friends house, you could swear that you were hearing your mother say, "You didn't learn that in THIS house!" just to turn your head to realize it was your friends mom scolding them.  How could they ALL be so similar?  There is a very easy answer to this, but you must wait until you are a mother yourself to understand it completely. To know what it's like to love unconditionally and have your heart outside your body is an experience almost unexplainable.
Lacy Christophe and Family
"Being a mother is by far the best thing in the world, but it is also the hardest.  My kids complete me.  I'm bored and lonely when they are gone. They are my biggest accomplishment so far!" explains Natchitoches manager, Lacy Christophe.

With this unexplainable love, out pops the MOMISMS that will stay with you forever. "Never let the things that you want make you forget the things that you have.", "The ones who think they are crazy enough to change the world, are the ones that do.", or "Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching."
So, today, on Mother's Day, tell your mom what quote you remember most that touched your life, a KIDISM if you will. (KIDISM: A Momism when repeated in a funny way by their child.) And we here at ORANGE LEAF LA would like to help you show her how much she means to you!  TODAY, Mother's Day, bring her into ANY of our Louisiana locations and your MOM will receive 50% off her cup of Freaux Yeaux!  Than you, moms of the world, for singing You are my Sunshine and Rock-a-Bye, for reading, I love you this much and Goodnight Moon, and most importantly loving us the MOST at times that we weren't very lovable.
Happy Mother's Day from ORANGE LEAF LA!

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